Template sites like Vistaprint are bad for your business

We've all seen the commercials lately... "I carry 50 business cards on me at any given moment... thanks to Vistaprint, business is BOOMING!"

Besides the fact that no one can actually fit 50 business cards in their wallet or pockets to awkwardly carry around at all times, companies like Vistaprint can't actually have an effect on your business. And here's why...

You see, websites like that, and ThemeForest, and Ink'd give you hundreds of templates to choose from. They claim to have designs to suit every type of business (which is pretty true). The concept behind theses websites is to make your marketing as 'easy' for you as possible. This is all fine and dandy, however they don't truly care how your business grows. If your business doesn't succeed after using their products you can't speak to their representative and work out a new strategy. (they might laugh in your face if you try)

Recognize this design?
The other fault to template companies is that even if you find a perfect design to 'suit your business' there is likely 10,000 other businesses who have the exact same design as you. These companies make their money on quantity over quality.
This is the after effects of good branding. 
Funny story... about 10 months ago I went to visit a client of mine at one of her places of business to do a little research before we started on her branding. She travels to expos and shows to sell her vintage repurposed products. The first stand I noticed at the show had business cards exactly like hers. I of course assumed this stand was the same company as hers and I asked the person if she knew my client and that I would be working with her. After she gave me a very confused look I had to ask where she got her business cards from... you guessed it, Vistaprint.

The moral of that story is that with templated designs you can easily have your business get lost in the mix and easily lose business to competitors with the same look.

Wondering where you should go instead of these sites? Comment with your questions below or visit my site, here, to see the unique styles I put together for my clients.

... and as always


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